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  1. Theatre 5 LA

    Ensure that your technology brainchild has EU / UK privacy baked in so you can move seamlessly into the EU / UK marketplace.

    This session helps you incorporate GDPR into the design process or provide front facing documents that show your potential customer base that you already have it covered.

    Implement these evolving requirements from the first wire frame, right through the product lifecycle.

  2. Theatre 5 LA

    Are you stuck in your career progression?
    Are you looking to supplement your income?

    Or, are you considering pursuing a second job?

    Then this presentation is for you.

    With practical advice and an insider’s perspective on how businesses work and how managers think, this guide will help you not just start a second job but thrive in it while not letting your primary job and primary relationships suffer.
  3. Theatre 5 LA

    Seminar will describe the services of the SCORE National organization, our website and the services provided – Slides will be shown.

  4. Theatre 3 LA
    Individuals and businesses may experience financial instability and emotional distress during economic crises. The COVID-19 pandemic caused the global economy to contract by 3.5% in 2020, with millions of people losing their jobs, and that was just the beginning of the crisis. Emotional distress, such as anxiety and depression among individuals, affects their performance and talent quality. Research has shown that emotionally well-adjusted individuals are more productive and have better job satisfaction (Gallup, 2021). Incorporating metaphysics into financial planning and talent quality and using biodevices, which measure stress levels, can be a primary factor in helping individuals and businesses emerge from economic crises with improved emotional well-being, performance and talent quality.  
  5. Theatre 3 LA
    When your audience trusts you, they’ll buy from you! Learn how to create valuable thought leadership content for your customers — and get media placements by positioning yourself as the industry source journalists are looking for. These insider insights are brought to you by a seasoned journalist and PR expert who has interviewed hundreds of experts for editorial content.
  6. Theatre 5 LA
    With the increasing demand for skilled professionals and the challenges associated with traditional outsourcing, nearshore staffing has emerged as a powerful solution. I will discuss the advantages of nearshore outsourcing, including proximity, cultural affinity, and reduced language barriers. Exploring the growth and potential of this industry will surely capture the attention of the audience.
  7. Theatre 3 LA

    An insightful talk about the power of diversity, equity and inclusion in the 21st century.

    Learn how to leverage the power of diversity, equity and inclusion in the 21st century.  Understand the opportunity cost of doing nothing and how that effects your business and your most valued asset, your employees

  8. Theatre 7 LA
    This seminar covers managing cash flow and profitability effectively, budgeting techniques for small businesses, and developing a financial plan for short and long-term business goals. It explains the importance of understanding cash inflows and outflows and strategies for improving profitability
  9. Theatre 7 LA
    This seminar covers managing cash flow and profitability effectively, budgeting techniques for small businesses, and developing a financial plan for short and long-term business goals. It explains the importance of understanding cash inflows and outflows and strategies for improving profitability
  10. Theatre 7 LA
    Content focuses on answers to today's most pressing questions for employers/employees.  Combines management techniques, HR infrastructure and employee communications strategies that use enlightened self-interest rather than command and control to produce lasting employee results. After all, going forward employees will be competing with AI, not one another.
  11. Theatre 5 LA
    5 reasons why many organizations are deciding to use Fractional HR to support their businesses in all stages of the business growth cycle - start-up, growth, maturity, and renewal/decline stages.  However, this seminar will focus mainly on the start-up and growth stages and will explain the value of having a team of experienced HR professionals to help grow and maintain an HR infrastructure that will work for you.
  12. Theatre 7 LA

    Is incorporating right for you?  What is the best type of entity for your situation?  Let’s break down each type of entity to see which best suits your business needs.

    Tony Watson of Robert Hall & Associates will help you understand how you can best protect your assets and achieve tax advantages through incorporating. Whether you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, you will be able to use this important information to best protect your investments and potentially save on your taxes!

  13. Theatre 3 LA
    Business owners often require trusted partners for success but need examples of where to start. One such owner partnered with a boutique agency to outsource three business processes with 100% confidence in quality - reducing workload and maximizing revenue. BPAAS systems and processes are here to guide you toward a more streamlined and profitable business. Don't let the burden of managing everything alone hold you back.
  14. Theatre 7 LA
    We’re seeing trends shift towards business owners branding themselves. This presentation delves into personal branding — what it is, the similarities and differences between personal and business branding, and the ins and outs of being a thought leader. Attendees will also be treated to a crash course in how to brand themselves, including tips on choosing a topic, channel selection, pitching yourself and your ideas, and media relations dos and don’ts.

    It’s not your business. It’s you. The sun is setting on the idea that individuals make decisions based on business branding alone. People want conscience. They want heart. They want humanity. That’s why we’re seeing trends shift more starkly into business owners and key personnel branding themselves. This presentation delves into the personal branding phenomenon — what it is, the similarities and differences between personal and business branding, and the ins and outs of being a thought leader or micro influencer. Attendees will also be treated to a crash course in how to brand themselves, including tips on choosing a topic, channel selection, pitching yourself and your ideas, and media relations dos and don’ts.

  15. Theatre 7 LA

    Discover how to use blog and resource content to grow traffic on your website and generate leads — for free!
    This session will discuss SEO considerations, such as selecting keywords, where to use them on the page, utilizing
    lists and headings, and getting ranked in search features. You'll also learn how keyword research and AI tools can
    aid you in generating topics and enhancing your content writing process.

  16. Theatre 3 LA
    Join us as we explore the power of a strong workplace culture in driving business success. In this seminar, we'll delve into the profound impact of organizational culture on recruitment, employee performance, morale, engagement, and productivity. Learn how small to medium-sized businesses can cultivate a culture that attracts top talent, enhances performance, and propels growth. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the potential of your workforce!
  17. Theatre 7 LA

    Workplace mental health and well-being have become a critical priority for companies today. A recent survey focussing on the last two years, found a 17% increase in mental health conditions. To address these needs, our government has launched many community programs, including a program entitled, Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being. Focused on the premise of workers voices and equity, this program supports workplaces as engines of well-being. Our seminar highlights how and why employees are silently suffering at work, demonstrates the services and support found within the Framework, and provides tools for employers to bring back to their organizations.

  18. Theatre 3 LA
    Today's investors look beyond product-focused companies and seek meaningful brands that can win over customers. We’ll cover the common challenges that founders face with design, the importance and long-term value of an effective brand, and tools to help you build a brand that will capture investor and customer attention.
  19. Theatre 5 LA
    In this highly informative seminar, we will explore the top 10
    financial mistakes frequently made by small and midsized enterprises (SMEs). Managing money
    effectively and fostering partnerships are critical aspects of running a successful business. This
    session will provide valuable insights into the financial challenges faced by SMEs and what you
    can do to avoid them. Understanding these common pitfalls and how to steer clear will help you
    safeguard your business, build relationships, and make informed decisions to drive sustainable
    growth and profitability.
  20. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Dive into the remarkable journey of Hulah, a viral dating app that disrupted the industry. Discover the secrets behind its rapid rise from a startup founded by a young entrepreneur to becoming an industry disruptor. Hear firsthand how Hulah leveraged innovative strategies, embraced product-led growth, and fostered authentic connections. Gain valuable insights and actionable advice for building your own successful venture in the digital age. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to create waves of change in your industry.
  21. Theatre 3 LA
    This panel will focus on the latest cyber security available to ensure that your business software is protected from external threats. Hear from industry experts on the topic and find out what they advise.
  22. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Based on her experience, Adriana will give you the necessary tools to grow your business with entrepreneurship to achieve your goals and objectives. As well as the importance of effective Marketing to communicate and publicise your product or service. And how to increase your sales through learning how the sales cycle works.
  23. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Paul Alex, a former detective turned serial entrepreneur. Discover how he successfully transitioned from law enforcement to building a seven-figure business in just one year. Learn about the power of bravery, adaptability, and seizing opportunities in the face of the Great Resignation. Paul's story highlights the importance of transferable skills, self-discovery, and seeking guidance during career changes. Be inspired to embrace change and pursue a more fulfilling professional path.
  24. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Stories of Success – a moderated panel of entrepreneurs focusing on what propels them forward. How they got started, how they made their first sale and how they've overcome challenges and thrived.
  25. Keynote Theatre 1 LA

    Now more than ever, understanding your users and how they experience your website is critical. What is -and isn't- working for them? How can you optimize your website to hit conversions and business metrics?

    In this talk, we'll dig into user behavior analytics - why they're essential to optimizing your user experience, which tools / techniques you should be leveraging, and how to combine it all to hit your goals. 

  26. Keynote Theatre 1 LA

    In a world where businesses compete for attention, it is a priority for entrepreneurs to establish an image that stands out. Personal branding remains a vital aspect that needs thoughtful planning to attract a target audience. 

  27. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    You may have asked yourself, how do I kick start my brand? How do I start my brand on a budget? This is the seminar for you!
  28. Theatre 7 LA
    In today's economy, growing, sustaining, acquiring new customers, and surviving as a business require strategic planning, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. Building a successful and sustainable business requires dedication, hard work, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Continuously reassess your strategies, stay customer-focused, and be open to innovation and improvement. By staying committed to providing value to your customers and maintaining a strong business foundation, you can grow, sustain, and thrive in today's economy.
  29. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Learn how to build a successful product-led growth strategy and develop a PLG team. Create an actionable and measurable growth culture for your product.
  30. Theatre 3 LA
    Everyone wants more sales. What if you could double your YOY sales, have more fun, work exclusively with dream clients, have a dream team support you, make a positive impact in your community, and have more freedom? Most people think it’s not possible to have it all. But it is! Let me show you the simple actions you can take today that change your business from surviving to thriving.
  31. Theatre 7 LA
    During this seminar, Cyberelite CISO will provide valuable insights into the current cybersecurity landscape, specifically tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) like yours. We will discuss the latest trends in cyber threats, potential vulnerabilities that SMBs face, and most importantly, how to strengthen your cybersecurity defenses.
  32. Theatre 3 LA
    This seminar will review the ways in which small businesses can leverage cloud based accounting systems and automation and help to streamline their systems.
  33. Keynote Theatre 1 LA

    In a world where consumers are constantly on the move to go somewhere or get anything, it becomes more challenging for brands to build relationships with customers. Uber, the revolutionary ride-sharing platform that disrupted the transportation industry, has not only transformed how people commute but has influenced how marketers are reaching consumers in motion in meaningful and authentic ways.

  34. Theatre 3 LA
    Artificial Intelligence presents unparalleled potential to revolutionize society and the economy, with increased productivity and healthcare advancements already evident. However, embracing transformative technologies requires open discussions and support from all stakeholders. We must address anxieties about adopting AI with new strategies despite past hesitations. We should recognize that AI's portrayal in science fiction reflects our hopes and fears. By envisioning a limitless future and overcoming obstacles, we can strategically implement AI projects, fostering collaboration and driving organizations towards success.
  35. Theatre 7 LA

    Welcome Aboard & Farewell Fun! Join us for an energy filled seminar where we'll explore the thrilling journey of onboarding new talent and gracefully navigating the bittersweet terrain of employee departures. Discover best practices, innovative approaches, and tricks to avoid the costly aftermath of wrongful terminations. Learn how to ensure a smooth ride for both new recruits and farewelled colleagues without having to call your employment attorney.

  36. Theatre 3 LA
    A peek behind the curtains into the world of cybersecurity from a guy who never had any intention of ending up here.  Debunking some of the myths, as well as determining if this career is for you – and how to go about making it happen.  This will be fun, light-hearted, informative, and engaging!
  37. Theatre 7 LA
    Join us as we reveal the secrets to identifying top talent, conducting impactful interviews, and fostering a culture of alignment, all while securing your organization's path to 10x growth and beyond.
  38. Theatre 3 LA
    "Unlocking Growth: Navigating Essential Metrics to Propel Your Business Success" will guide attendees through understanding and leveraging key metrics for business growth. Topics include selecting the right metrics, implementing them to drive success, avoiding common pitfalls, and exploring future trends. The presentation combines examples, and actionable insights to enable participants to apply these concepts to their business.
  39. Theatre 5 LA
    The number one reason behind the Great Resignation is toxic workplace culture (MIT Sloan 2022). HR has likely done what they can to address it, but culture is a system, not easily changed by executive mandate. During this inspiring and empowering session, learn how to identify what aspects of your workplace culture need detox and how to intentionally create a workplace culture of belonging.
  40. Theatre 7 LA
    "Strategic Advantage through Alignment," I will delve into the transformative potential of aligning organizational strategies with a clear and unified vision. In this 30-minute talk, we will explore how businesses can gain a significant competitive edge by fostering cohesion across departments, teams, and leadership. By understanding the impact of strategic alignment on every facet of your organization, you will discover how to harness collective strengths and drive exceptional results. Join me on this insightful journey as we uncover the key principles to unlock untapped potential, optimize resource allocation, and pave the way for sustained success in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Get ready to empower your team with the tools they need to thrive, seize opportunities, and create an enduring strategic advantage that sets your organization apart.
  41. Theatre 7 LA
    Step into the future as we explore how AI supercharges workplace efficiency. From game-changing benefits to
    potential hurdles, get a complete view of AI's impact. Dive deep into the next big revolution in our work lives.
    Ready for a peek into tomorrow? Join me and ignite your imagination.
  42. Keynote Theatre 1 LA
    Join Spotify’s Global Head of SMB Marketing for a one-of-a-kind guided tour of the Spotify Ad Studio to learn how to create effective ads that reach the right audiences to drive awareness, sales, and foot traffic. Gain firsthand experience on how to create a digital audio advertisement that works – from setting a budget to identifying a target audience to developing high-impact creative.
  43. Keynote Theatre 1 LA

    Lack of Capital is a top reason for business failure. You need funding for marketing, software, training & employees. What does it take to be Fundable as a Business Owner? There is a little known business funding formula that entrepreneurs are using to jumpstart their businesses.

  44. Theatre 5 LA

    With the rapid evolution of digital and AI technologies, many businesses are stuck between being excited
    about the promises of innovative technologies and confused about what products to use for maximum benefit in their business.

    In this interactive session, we will demonstrate innovative products that will effectively solve real-world problems
    with the power of AI and talk about how to implement them without causing chaos in your organization.

  45. Theatre 5 LA
    5% of Business Owners generate 7 figures
    annually, why is that? The bottom line is that business & money are just like relationships. By doing this one thing
    I have gone from 0 to 8 figures, wanna know what it is? See ya soon!
  46. Theatre 5 LA
    Learn how to buy and sell your business for its maximum value. Avoid the common pitfalls that can cost you $40k-200k+ in your valuation. Learn some of the industry secrets and strategies to help find your best buyer or seller and ensure a successful Acquisition.
  47. Theatre 5 LA

    Large companies have turned their attention to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting for several years now, but an increasing list of drivers is making the need to pay attention to this more urgent for smaller companies.  This brief session will explore the implications of ESG for all business owners, regardless of the size of their business.

  48. Theatre 5 LA
    Discover the future of work with chat- based sales. Harness instant communication for faster conversions, building stronger relationships, and streamlined workflows. Transform traditional sales tactics to thrive in toda's digital landscape.
  49. Theatre 3 LA

    Discover the keys to successfully turning your entrepreneurial aspirations into reality. Join Reg Byrd as he delves into innovative funding strategies, demystifying the financial landscape and equipping attendees with actionable insights. Learn how the right financial foundation can be the cornerstone of your business journey, propelling your dream from mere concept to thriving enterprise.


  50. Theatre 5 LA

    Ever dreamt of growing your business and selling it?  Cashing in on all your hard work, sweat and tears?  If you want to make the most of this incredible asset, you have to know if you should scale or sell.  Join Growth Specialist Madeleine MacRae for  this content-packed 30-minute live intensive and learn exactly how to figure out, once and for all, the best next move for your business. 

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