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Panel Discussions

This year we have a dedicated theatre for panel discussions, every hour there will be a panel of experts in different fields debating that topic. They will cover present and future challenges of these topics and there will be a chance for you to interact with the experts in a Q&A. 

The topics for the panel discussions will be:

  • Cyber Security

This panel will focus on the latest cyber security available to ensure that your business software is protected from external threats. Hear from industry experts on the topic and find out what they advise.

  • Digital Transformation

New technology is revolutionising the way we conduct our business, making processes more efficient. Hear from experts on how we can make the most of new advances transforming the world of work.

  • Employee Wellbeing

The most important part of a business is the employees; without them, it would not function. At this panel hear from industry experts who advise on how to implement employee wellbeing strategies to look after your workforce and get the best out of them.

  • Recruitment - The challenges

There are many challenges when it comes to recruitment; you want the right person with the relevant skills. You also want to ensure that you’re assessing candidates fairly. Hear all the tips, tricks, and advice on how to address common recruitment issues.


These topics will be the same for both days of the show, however the experts will be different. You can find more details on the subjects up for discussion and the experts taking part in each debate closer to the show. 

When the discussions take place, make sure you arrive at the theatre as early as possible, as the unique education, insight, and guidance on offer always attracts a lot of interest, so places go quickly!


4 weeks to go!

4 weeks to go

4 weeks to go until we're back at the LACC, make sure you've got your free ticket!