- Written application for any animal or gathering of animals, wild or domestic (except assistance animals) to be permitted on the premises must be submitted to the venue at least 28 days prior to the event. A special licence may be required, for example, in the case of performing or wild animals. Any costs associated with obtaining the relevant licence shall be met by the exhibitor.
- No animal welfare facilities are provided by the venue or the organiser, therefore pets, except assistance animals, are not permitted unless they form part of an exhibit or display associated with an event and are approved by the venue. Pets must not be left in vehicles.
- Animals must be appropriately supervised and sufficient welfare arrangements must be maintained, to the venue’s satisfaction, and in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act. These arrangements should be detailed in a risk assessment and include the following:
- Transport to and from site
- Feeding
- Housing
- Security
- Environment
- Noise levels
- Exercise
- Cleaning and sanitary arrangements
- Sleep/rest
- Protection from pain, injury, suffering and disease
- Evacuation in an emergency
- In order to ensure the safety of visitors, suitable guards/enclosures must be provided and warning notices prominently displayed where appropriate.
- Where visitors are able to pet or otherwise come into contact with animals, or are able to touch parts of enclosures which animals may also touch, hand wash units with hot water must be sited adjacent to the animals and their pens for use by the public. Soap and water is considered to be the most effective way of reducing infection and therefore gels and wipes are not allowed as suitable alternatives.
- Where it is proposed to replace hand washing facilities with any other cleaning method, such as gels and wipes, this must be discussed in advance with the venue, as this may only be allowed in certain venues and in certain circumstances.
- Signs should be in place advising visitors to wash their hands after touching animals or their enclosures.
- The emergency evacuation of animals should be discussed with the venue and form part of the fire risk assessment and emergency planning.
- Proposed overnight housing of animals may not always be permitted and must be discussed with the venue.