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Essential tools to becoming a multi-million dollar company

March 07, 2024
Theatre 3 MI

Learn the most important lessons for success; observation, comprehension and risk taking.
You can't make something better without first reading the situation. Adam learned early-on in life that you need to observe
and understand each unique situation. From his teenage years working as waiter to a realtor to becoming a successful business owner
Adam always looked for opportunities. He had the ambition and the drive, he just needed to look for the best way to implement it.

Sometimes business opportunities may seem trivial, small or even flawed but it's all about a
person's comprehension and an ability to change perspective. You read the room, you look for the right perspective,
you change strategies, and you take a little risk. Listen to Adam's colorful journey.

Adam Tabari, Founder/Owner - OutSta

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