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Conscious Leadership - Connecting head and heart to lead better teams

March 06, 2024
Theatre 2 MI

82% of leaders are exhausted and burnout levels have increased.  90% of leadership development has no clear business impact (McKinsey, 2017).  
Organizations that focus on leadership and culture as drivers of performance are 220% more likely to meet their financial targets and
540% more effective at recruiting top people (Bersin, 2021).  75% of workers leave their jobs due to their bosses.  

With so much clear data on the importance of leaders, much leadership development misses the mark.
Old, top-down models of leadership are no longer effective with five generations in the workforce, and an ever increasing level of diversity across all of our employees.  

Conscious leadership gets to the root of our humanity, to make us better human beings who operate not just from our intellect,
but from a broader spectrum that includes our instincts, purpose, and operating from heart-centeredness.  When we lead from this space,
we change everything. Ultimately, it’s about how we show up every single day.  

During this session, we will explore the aspects of conscious leadership, dispel any myths, and discuss the importance of
such a shift in leadership and culture, especially after 2020.  We will discuss balancing the head with the heart,
the business case for better leadership, and how the work we do affects our team, the business, and the bottom line.

Nick Reich, Founder & CEO - River + Green

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