Mobile Billboards Los Angeles is the only Latino Owned, California Green Certified mobile billboard advertising agency headquartered in Los Angeles. As an out-of-home (OOH) advertising agency, our mission is to help you differentiate your brand from the competition and make a lasting impression. No other outdoor advertising method demands attention like our truckside ads. They cannot be blocked, swiped or ignored. They also have a longer viewing time than regular freeway billboards which gives you additional critical time to make your point.
Through creative excellence, innovative strategies, and collaborative partnerships, we ensure your brand stands out, and we even guarantee driving time/hours for your advertisement.
Make sure to give us a call before signing a contract elsewhere, we are sure we can beat any competitor's pricing... (and we actually answer the phone too!)
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Products and Services
Get your brand and service noticed on our mobile billboard trucks. Our trucks get about 66k impressions daily.
Non-profit, charity advertising
Advertising for non-profits including animals, pets, cancer, alzheimers, and other charities.
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