['Birting' Background]
After four years of dedicated research, our company has developed 'Birting,' a revolutionary distance-measuring device specifically designed for golf greens. Recognizing the critical importance of putting in a round of golf, we embarked on this development to address and improve related challenges. The first generation of 'Butting' is now ready for sale, and we are preparing to enter mass production. However, prior to scaling production, we aim to enhance the marketability and branding of the 'Birting' device by developing a second-generation product that offers greater convenience, improved measurement accuracy, and enhanced ease of use. This strategic move will show more efficient sports equipment suitable for both domestic and international markets.
Sportswave is the company renowned for its unparalleled passion, innovation, efficiency, and strength. Our foundation is built on creative planning, decisive action, and a dynamic organizational culture.
We excel in creating and maximizing customer brand value through our top-tier expertise and proficiency. Our professionalism and leadership allow us to deliver exceptional customer value consistently. With years of practical experience, our team comprises professionals who have proven their abilities in both domestic and international sports brand marketing. Armed with passion and a challenging spirit, we are poised to significantly impact the Korean sports and culture industry and enhance customer value through our dedicated professionalism and service leadership.
Sportswave's executives and management team operate in a professional and dynamic partnership. We are experts in event management, promotions, and sports marketing and actively participate in the production and direction of each project.
As a young and energetic company, Sportswave has experienced prestigious events such as golf tournaments (PGA, LPGA, KPGA, KLPGA), tennis tournaments, the Olympic Games, the World Cup, motorsports, rock festivals, and other sports and performance events. This explains why our company boasts a team of proven professionals in event planning, corporate promotion, and sponsorship sales.
We support diverse communication activities centered on client insights, creative thinking, stable operational capabilities, and innovative promotion techniques to deliver outstanding client results.