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Conscious Leadership Program

River + Green

As the world and business continues to change, the role of leadership needs to continue to evolve as well.  So often, leaders do not have the tools, resources, and skills to manage increasingly diverse teams that have different expectations of the leader and the company than generations past.  

So how do we adapt and evolve?  How do we support leaders in becoming the type of  leader that has a positive impact on their teams, companies, and communities?

I believe the answer to this is to create more Conscious Leaders.  What is conscious leadership?  While there are a number of definitions and books floating around that you can source, I like, simply, conscious leadership is guiding others with full awareness of the self and cultivating growth in organizations by supporting the humans in them.

This 50 hour program (25 self study hours and 25 live hours) provides a deep dive into a more purpose centered approach to leadership.  Modules include:  self awareness, leading with empathy and vulnerability, systems minded leadership, embracing inclusivity, communication and feedback, and a leaders legacy.

This program can be adapted to be ran internally to meet the needs of your team and organization.  


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