Wellness in the Workplace
The wellbeing of your staff is paramount to your company’s success. A healthy workplace culture and employee wellbeing is fundamental in breeding an effective workforce.
“Happy workers are 13% more productive”
“An extensive study into happiness and productivity has found that workers are 13% more productive when happy.”
“We found that when workers are happier, they work faster by making more calls per hour worked and importantly, convert more calls to sales,” said University of Oxfords Professor De Neve.
The wellbeing of your staff is paramount to your company’s success. A healthy workplace culture and employee wellbeing is fundamental in breeding an effective workforce.
LIFE Fit is a progressive program that concentrates on improving your employees happiness by increasing not just their physical health but their mental and emotional health too.
With a happier, healthier, more focused and cohesive workforce you will see an increase in their creativity, efficiency and focus and if that isn’t enough, you will benefit from employee relationships becoming more harmonious with individual morale and a sense of team connectivity all increasing.
Focusing on physical and mental wellbeing through a monitored, progressive program will improve the overall physical and mental health of your employees.
What does this mean to you? Put simply, it means increased profits, reduced sick days and improved staff retention.