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September 03, 2024


In today's fast-paced business environment, managing leads and clients efficiently is not just an option; it's a necessity for growth and success. Have you ever wondered how some businesses seem to effortlessly convert leads into loyal customers while also maintaining a streamlined client onboarding process? The secret lies in strategic lead handling and leveraging powerful tools to supercharge your processes.



Having lead strategies in place that include tracking the sources of your leads, monitoring conversion metrics, and qualifying leads before advancing them to the next stage is crucial for a successful sales and marketing process. By tracking where your leads are coming from, you can identify which marketing channels are most effective in generating leads, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently.


Qualifying leads ensures that you are focusing your efforts on leads that are most likely to convert into customers, saving time and resources. Use a lead capture form that is embedded/linked into your website with just a couple of questions to help you understand what it is they are looking for, what are their pain points, and add a qualifying question like ‘What is your budget’. This will ensure qualified leads are coming through, removing wasted time and effort. I personally have noticed the improved lead quality when I added in a couple of qualifying questions to my lead capture form. If people cannot be bothered to complete the few questions I have on my form, then they are not my ideal client.


Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool (such as Dubsado, HubSpot or Pipedrive) can greatly assist in managing leads effectively. CRM tools can help track lead sources, monitor conversion rates, and facilitate lead qualification processes. By utilising automation features within a CRM, you can streamline lead management tasks and improve overall efficiency. Regularly analysing data from these strategies can provide valuable insights for optimising your lead generation and conversion processes, leading to increased sales and business growth.



Having a consistent and streamlined client onboarding process is crucial for ensuring quick and efficient setup and building strong relationships with clients. This process typically involves steps such as sending contracts, invoices, forms/questionnaires, scheduling appointments, and sending emails to welcome clients onboard. By having a well-defined process in place, you can ensure that all necessary information and documentation are collected promptly, reducing delays and confusion.


To create an effective client onboarding process, consider using tools with features such as automated email sequences, online scheduling platforms, and digital signature software to streamline communication and document exchange. By automating repetitive tasks and setting clear expectations from the start, you can save time and improve the overall client experience. Regularly reviewing and refining your onboarding process based on feedback from clients can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that you continue to provide a seamless onboarding experience for all clients.


Dubsado is an excellent solution for creating a consistent and streamlined client onboarding process. With Dubsado, you can easily automate sending contracts, invoices, forms, and emails to your clients, making the setup process quick and efficient. By using Dubsado's scheduler feature, you can also streamline the process of booking appointments with your clients, further enhancing the onboarding experience. This platform allows you to customise templates for various client interactions, ensuring a professional and cohesive branding experience throughout the onboarding process. Overall, Dubsado can help you save time and ensure that each client receives a seamless and personalised onboarding experience. Other great CRM tools are HubSpot and Pipedrive.



Having the best tools to track the progress of leads through the client journey stages is crucial for any business looking to optimise its sales process and maximise conversions. By documenting interactions in a centralised system, you can ensure that all team members have access to the most up-to-date information, leading to more personalised and effective communication with leads.


One of the most popular tools for this purpose is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. CRMs allow you to store all lead information in one place, track interactions, set reminders for follow-ups, and generate reports to analyse the effectiveness of your sales efforts. Additionally, email marketing platforms with tracking capabilities can help you monitor lead engagement and tailor your communication strategy accordingly.

Investing in the right tools for tracking and documenting lead interactions can greatly enhance your sales process and improve overall customer satisfaction. By centralising this information, you can create a more efficient and organised approach to managing leads through the client journey stages.



ClickUp can help businesses track and manage leads effectively to ensure consistent follow-ups within defined Service Level Agreements (SLAs). By utilising ClickUp's task management features, teams can set up automated reminders and notifications to ensure that leads are promptly followed up on from the moment of initial contact. Additionally, ClickUp allows for the creation of custom workflows and timelines to streamline the lead follow-up process and ensure that no opportunity slips through the cracks.


With ClickUp's reporting and analytics capabilities, businesses can gain insights into lead response times and track performance against SLAs. This data-driven approach enables teams to identify bottlenecks in the follow-up process and make informed decisions to optimise lead management strategies. By leveraging ClickUp as the solution for lead follow-ups, businesses can enhance efficiency, improve customer relationships, and ultimately boost conversion rates by ensuring leads are consistently nurtured within defined SLAs.



Automating client journeys and integrating them with Project Management systems can significantly streamline operations and improve efficiency within an organisation. By eliminating manual and repetitive administrative tasks, businesses can free up time for more strategic and value-added activities. Automation can help ensure consistency in client interactions, reduce errors, and enhance overall customer experience. Integration with Project Management systems can also lead to better coordination and communication among team members, resulting in smoother project execution and delivery.


The way I have my lead and client processes set up is to manage the lead capture in Dubsado (where the lead completes a form and schedules a discovery call via my website) that then automatically creates a task in my ClickUp lead list, where it is added to my to do list (my action being to research the lead before our discovery call). I then manage the proposals and onboarding process in Dubsado, which then triggers a project created in ClickUp with my tasks automatically created to complete the project.



  • Identify and map where your leads are coming from and where you want them to go

  • Identify lead qualifying questions to add to your lead capture form (don’t do too many!)

  • Map out your onboarding process and identify which tools will complete each step, any SLAs and which steps you can automate

  • Identify what information you want to track for each lead and where it will be stored for everyone to access

  • Book a call with us (below) if you want help with the above!


Are you ready to elevate your lead and client management processes to new heights? Click below to book a call with us and discover how our tailored solutions can help you optimise your sales process, improve client satisfaction, and drive your business growth. Don't let manual processes and inefficiencies hold you back. Let's explore how we can achieve more, together. Discounts apply up to and including the event dates, then they will no longer be available.





Whether it's launching your dream business, scaling to new heights, revolutionising your operations, or finding that perfect work-life balance, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's make your business aspirations a reality. Don't miss out on our exclusive offers - book your call today!

Looking forward to revolutionising your business!

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