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November 10, 2021

Aiding Corporate Responsibility with Employee Benefits

Aiding Corporate Responsibility with Employee Benefits

Premium employee benefit provider aims to help businesses help the planet with their latest announcement.

In light of the ongoing COP26 events taking places in Glasgow, and with demonstrations further south from groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, social responsibility and taking climate action is an important topic for many.

Employee benefit provider Mór has taken action by launching their latest collection of partnerships which focus on ESG (environmental, social and governance) and CSR (corporate social responsibility). The aim is to help partnering businesses find new and exciting ways to achieve their social responsibility goals and help them on the path to net zero.

Why Now? 

While it is no coincidence that the announcement of the new collection was made during the global COP26 event in Glasgow, the reason for introducing it was an idea that was formulated long before. With growing unrest over the future of the planet and more people willing to pitch in to help out, now is the perfect time to offer solutions.

A typical office worker will on average send and receive 140 emails per day, which over the course of a year creates 1688kg of C02 and is the equivalent of using 16,800 plastic bags. Statistics like this are why, Co-CEO of Mór, Craig Unsworth, believes businesses need to do more than ever to fight climate change:

“People are finally starting to wake up to the effects that their daily lives are having on the planet – not just at home, but in the office as well. People don’t often take this into consideration, and the impact businesses have on the environment is staggering.

We want to offer business owners and employees a selection of experiences and resources that are not only exciting, but beneficial to a greater cause.”


What is Included?

The collection has already seen some major names come on board. The Verdancy Group, a sustainability training and guidance provider working with individuals and businesses alike has provided resources and discounts on their accredited modules and consultation services.

Electric vehicle rental company Octopus EV and ride-sharing app Hiyacar are just some of the additional names making up the collection.

Craig added: “Our ESG & CSR collection is one we are immensely proud of and one we are looking to grow rapidly. The aim is to continue finding ways that set us apart from the competition, by offering services that people and businesses actually want.”


The Mór Card is available as an employee reward platform for businesses across the UK. Offering exclusive corporate-only collections with resources and discounts from partners across areas such as sustainability, transport, maternity, mental health, fertility and the menopause.

This is offered in addition to their handpicked and curated collection of independent brand experiences across fashion, fine dining, gifting, home and more.

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